Author: Nicolay Vladimirov Kurbanov-nvknvk
40_LOW_altd_rcbaron fly races -SNOW(snow surface) BLUE -NIGHT -FOGGY -SNOWFALL, TRAFFIC DENSITY 10.0, against DUCATI PINAGALE(copy handling settings for bike in handling.cfg and SPECIAL SETTIMGS -2 errors - 10000 $ -100 NOT PLAYED 20to25 and 35to40 RACES
BETTER - 2POINTS, EQUAL- 1 POINT, WORSE - minus 1 point 5 ATTEMPTS for first 2 worlds, 3td world is with 15 attempts, 4td world-ICE -7 ATTEMPTS, VOLCANO-11 ATTEMPTS. TILL NOW 5X2 +15+7+11 +9=52/6 =8,6 ATTEMPTS ,129 gold
better with 10 gold 2+1 point, equal 127 -131 gold -2 points, less gold with minus 10 gold 2-minus 1 point.
less attempts with -3 =2+1 point, EQUAL 9 attempts - 2 points, more 3 attempts -minus 2-1 point
LAST_20_ATOMATED_close_to_checkpoint NIGHT (22:00), TRAFFIC DENSITY 0.65, 0 ERRORS, original surface, HANDLING from other stuff/original races/ as 188.0 23.0 was replaced with 211.0 30.0, used 1 time V_HUD_by_DK22Pac.asi(LOOK TOOLS) 40to45 race 2, used my CLEO SCRIPT - 60fps_time_TRIAL.cs, 6 ATTEMPTS, used 2 times FLIGHT_ASSISTANCE with rule for first 30 sec -SO YOU CAN HIT 2,3 CHEKPOINTS from begining with FLY CAR -6000 $- 100
LESS -2 attempts - 2+1 POINTS, EQUAL -6 attempts- 2 POINT, WORSE - more +2 attempts - 2-1 POINTS reached 29 level(not work, so i miss 29 and 30) with FINISHED with 50 STARS with first 10 task - 5 attempts, second 10 tasks - 6 attempts, third 10 tasks - 4 attempts, 29 level not counted. 5+6+4=15/3 =5 attmpts.
BETTER stars +5 more =2+1 point EQUAL- 2 POINTS, WORSE stars with -5 = minus 2-1 point
3 attempts approximately - 3 points, from 4-7 attempts - 2 points, needed more than 7 attempts - MINUS - 2-1 point FOR EVRY MORE 3 ATTEMPTS
FILAMENT- most difficult LOGIC GAMES TILL NOW 6 ERRORS ( OVER 1 HOUR - 1 TASK or watched on youtube solution) -61 levels FINISHED - 1ST FLOOR
for each 1 floor more 2+2 point, EQUAL 1 floor finished- 2 POINTS, WORSE minus 1 point
LESS erorrs -3 less =1+1 point EQUAL 6 errors- 1 POINT, WORSE errors +3 minus 1-1 point
equal - 5 points